Gender Issues, Men, open letter, Quick Read, Uncategorized, Women

FW: Screw Off, Feminists: An Open Letter to Men from a Real Woman


From Louder with Crowder. I couldn’t resist sharing!

“Dear Men,

Everyday there’s news/outrage about the latest female tragedy, the “war on women” the #SJW feminist women, the body-shaming women. Then there’s “rape culture” and “male privilege,” and “micro-agression.” Seems to me, if you’re a man in this world, there’s nothing you can do right. If you tell a woman to smile, you’re a sexist. If you tell a woman she’s pretty, you’re reducing her to just her looks. If you tell a woman she’s smart, you’re a sexist for being surprised that she’s smart and more than just her body. If you vocalize that you think a hot woman is hot… oh geez. Bar and lock the doors, the feminists will stab you with their steely knives.

Well as a woman (yeah, it’s Courtney Kirchoff here, not Steven Crowder), here’s something you need to know: women love men. For being men.

Okay, several feminist keyboards have been reduced to dust. Chicas are hammering their keys like the old cavemen hammered their women before dragging them into the cave. Oh that right there? Joke. I know you feminists don’t think it’s funny. Nothing to you is funny. That’s why it’s funny.

Yes, I know you’re out there, SJW feminists. You’re going to call me a bitch. You’re going to call me a sell-out. You’re going to say I’m an ignorant this, that, and plenty of other four and five letter words because I dared to write “women love men,” despite the glaring proof women do love men. Proof? The perpetuation of the species. You know, men and women getting together, doing the deed, having and not aborting their babies. I can hear you all yelling, “PATRIARCHY” and “RAPE,” out there. Yell and scream and stomp all you want. I don’t care. Background noise.

This letter is for the men who go out and do. Who build, who create, who pursue excellence, who make the world a little better by being unapologetic MEN. I’m not talking to the jerks and the creeps. They get too much attention and they do NOT represent all men. Okay? Okay.

Sorry guys, I had to address those harpies first, because they’re shrill and annoying. Where was I? Right, women love men.

Millions of women, myself included, celebrate you guys for being dudes. We may joke about how you annoy us with your one-thing-at-a-time focus, but we love that too. Life is simpler and better with you in it. We love how you say what you mean. You’re uncomplicated, straightforward, and easy to talk to. And we usually don’t have to issue disclaimers before we do speak with you…so thanks for that.

We appreciate that you want to protect women. Despite what all the feminists say, millions of us know you care for women. We know you would pound a punk into the ground if he tried messing with us. We know you love children and want to protect them. We know you want to call your daughters “princesses,” and you’re not being patriarchal when you do.

We celebrate your ambition. One of my favorite qualities in a man is his drive to be his best. He likes to take risks because he likes to push his limits and test his strength. He likes to be challenged both in his career and in his personal pursuits. Every day he is working to better himself to be a greater man than he was before.

We love your competitive drive. Women might mock you for needing to “out do” the other guys, but *this* woman at least, enjoys it. What’s life without a little competition? Thanks for the sarcastic back and forth, for trying to one-up your buddy at the gym. Rock on. We’ll watch and cheer you on. But you better win…

We love your self-deprecating humor and how you want to make us laugh. This one should be self-evident, but sadly it’s not. Even when we don’t want to be cheered up, you still try. You’re a soldier who loves his woman. Even if your woman gives you “the look” I’d like to think that deep down she’s not plotting to smother you with a pillow when you snore; she’s appreciating your good humor. Okay, maybe she wishes you didn’t snore so much. Hey, she’s human, too.

Oh SJWs, give it a rest. Are all men like the ones I’m describing? No. But a lot of men are, and not everything is about you and your micro-agressions and fat-shaming. Stop taking up all the attention, this shouldn’t be about you.


We love how you pursue us when you like us, and we like you. Three feminist’s brains just exploded right there. Yes, men, we LIKE IT when you call us. We like it when you show us how much you care for us by actively pursuing us, even when you have us (7 more feminist brains have exploded). We like it when you open the door and treat us like queens. We like it when you make the plans, when you have direction.

So guys, when you’re constantly bitch-slapped by the loud, modern feminists for “man-spreading,” or whatever other new term they’re going to pull out of their uptight butts, know that millions of women cherish you for exactly who you are: Men. The world is a better place with men in it. Yes. I WROTE THAT. Millions of us support you. We support your careers. We support your choices. We love you for being masculine, and we celebrate you for it.

Now go chop some wood and make us a fire.

~Written by Courtney Kirchoff”
0for-being-men/ 11-27-15

open letter

Open Letter to Whoever is putting Sadie Robertson and Kylie Jenner at War:



I read a post somewhere on the internet last night. I got sucked into it even though I do not keep up with either teen. I didn’t see the point of the post and was left feeling like a teen myself. I was being pressured into not liking someone. I don’t like when someone goes out of their way to convince you not to like someone. Especially since I am supposed to be an adult.

There is an obviously difference between the two teens. Everyone can see it. However, because they are just 17 years old, they are merely regurgitating whatever they have been witness to and experienced in their lives thus far. Sadie, raised in a strong Christian home, based their lives around the Word of God. Kylie, raised in a strong Worldly home, based their lives around [presumably] money and fame. I can tell you the 17 year old me is different from me at 29. Things I believed about myself, the world and God have morphed into who I consider myself right now. Maybe I was right in the middle of these two teens, if there were a spectrum. I believed in God and prayed, but found myself doing what I wanted to do. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there’s nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9

Let us see who they might become.

Comparing two teens, demonizing one and honoring the other is not what our young girls need. As the writer of those such postings, your influence only goes keyboard deep. Where are you when these teen girls are sucking their lips through a plastic bottle? Where are you when these teens [good Bible-study] girls are secretly living in sin? How are you helping? As a teen, you can’t help but compare yourself to others. In fact, as an adult it is hard not to. I fight moments each day and have to remind myself I Am Who God Says I Am.


The contradictory message you communicate through your post is just sad. You have such disgust for KJ, but include the very proactive, sexy photos of her that you claim to be inappropriate and disgusting. The last thing a teen girl needs to hear is that her body is disgusting. In fact, she is a very beautiful girl, before and after plastic surgery. And so is SR. They both possess something that girls and women envy-outward beauty. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I notice when another women is beautiful, or seemingly more beautiful than me. Your article does not do what you want it to do. It does not make me pit one of those two girls against the other. It makes me hurt. Once again, the lie that one is better than the other presents itself. Once again, you are putting teen girls (vulnerable to suggestion) in a situation they cannot win. Appearing wholesome on the outside will not work if you do not feel wholesome on the inside. There are many girls trying desperately to fill their empty hearts with guys, makeup, clothes, photo likes and more. Their souls thirst for MORE, for something that is everlasting. But they do not know what it is or how to get it. They think it costs. The price is sex, material things, big lips. As the writer that is putting SR on a pedestal, claiming that she is the perfect example of a Proverbs 31 women, you have failed to share the Gospel with your audience! Failed to offer thee solution! Failed to introduce Jesus to your readers! Only Jesus can fill those empty places in a young girl’s heart. It saddens me that you chose to miss the opportunity to offer [even at least to one] the option of Salvation.

You failed to mention:

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

You and I may get to Heaven and be surprised when we see who’s there and who’s Not. Some of those we thought would make it, wont. And some of the most unlikely, will.

And for that I do not want to be someone that kicks someone out of the way just to make sure I have a seat for me.

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and surely, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 29:19


For anyone desiring change.
If you are longing for something more, something everlasting. This is the time to do so. If you pray this prayer, you are opening the door that God is knocking on right now. He has come for you, You are HIS and He is Yours. Open your heart and pray:

God, I know that I have sinned against you. Forgive me for my sins. I want to know You and want you to know me. Come into you my life, come into my heart. Change me. Be the Lord of my life. I surrender my life to you. Take me and make me brand new. In Jesus name, Amen.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:9-10

Continue to talk to God as if he were right there in the room with you. Talk to him like you would talk to a friend. Pray. Read your Bible, find a Bible, and find one online, a Bible app. Find like-minded people. A church, a small group, a Bible study. Don’t allow yourself to be alone and risk the enemy attacking you while you are alone. It won’t always be easy but it will be worth it. Nothing here on earth is worth losing your soul over.

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will judge all people according to their deeds.  Matthew 16:27


Related: He Knows My Name by Francesca Batistellei Don’t You Know You’re Beautiful by Kellie Pickler

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